(Let's just ignore the fact that my apartment looks like it OD'd on Tequila and cocaine last night and lost the contents of its stomach all over the place, shall we?)
So back to my mustache... No, I was not always blessed with this proliferation of hair. It seems with the coming years, I not only desire less the binge drinking affair but also grow unsightly facial fuzz. Before you run for the trash can to heave your morning eggs and waffles (or if you're a New Yorker - your coffee with a side of double espresso), please understand I do not have a real problem, it is more an infrequent nuisance of a stache. However, it cannot be overlooked when it needs taken care of and who am I to offend society's personal hygiene norm by doing so.
Hitherto, I used to take care of this little "issue" with my usual and consistent mani/pedi around the corner from our apartment in Brooklyn (have I mentioned enough about how much I loathe/ murderously hate our new neighborhood over our old dear, lovely, happy, special one? No? Remind me to extrapolate that later). But times change and people quit their jobs and have babies while their husbands simultaneously quit their jobs and pursue post graduate educations of which they curiously have no money to pay for. It happens all the time. And in the destruction and aftermath lies my mustache.
No longer a minor pinprick of my spa routine, it has escalated to part of my mad dash to get ready before an important event, along with bushwacking my eyebrows and haphazardly waving a razor over my legs to give the impression of "Clean Sexy Temptress" not "Musty Idaho Lumberjack". Oh, such is life. I have no qualms nor embarrassments about it any longer.
So on this special day in US history I challenge all of you: Embrace your facial hair, ladies*!
*It just makes us more cuddly in the winter.
I am coming to get him!
Yes, please just embrace it. Because if you are anything like me, and take matters into your own hands with the Nair, you will end up with a red Kool Aid looking mustache... need I say more?
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