Monday, June 16, 2008

Sounds Kinda Kinky

My mega-amazing sister Gina and her friend Kari stayed with us last week and oh my God, I cannot tell you what they did for our apartment. Let me analogize. They did for my apartment what Madonna did for sex in the 80's. They did for my apartment what Sour Patch Kids did to gummi bears. They did for my apartment what THE INTERNET did for HUMANITY. Are you starting to get the picture? Because I need to conveyerize it to you.

Prior to the "arrival" there were boxes, both fully packed and partially unpacked, in every room. There were misplaced items all over the place, ie dishes in the office, toolbox in the kitchen, and towels on the deck. There was barely room to sit on any surface that wasn't covered with miscellaneous items without impaling your rear end.

Post the "arrival" there is order to the household! Order! There are no boxes in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom. There are not 14 extra pieces of furniture in the living room. Boxes of storage are in the attic. And people. PEOPLE. The NURSERY is now a NURSERY. I apologize for all of the yelling, but I'm a tad bit excited over the recent developmentations. Now I really can find my camera cord and will Mos' Def' be picturizing the place and leave the evidence hitherfore for you to see for yourselves.

You might notice some extra word creation today and you can thank the secretary down the hall for starting me off today with the sentence: "Then he had to come back and defragmentilate it!"

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